Sunday 15 May 2011

How to Refinance My Student Loan

 Federal scholarships and financial assistance are not sufficient to cover the rising cost of education. In spite of various initiatives by government organizations, dependence on alternative sources of finance has become inevitable. While some of the loans offered by Federal Agencies are subsidized and are need based loans, the rest are based on the credit score of the borrower. Except for certain benefits relating to interest rate and repayment options, both federal as well as private student loans turn to be a huge burden on the students.
Refinancing as an Option
Students end up taking a number of loans to finance their education. The real test lies at the time of their repayment. Most of the repayment terms begin at the fag end of their studies or immediately after completing their education. For students who have just begun earning, repayment poses a heavy burden to tackle. Any effort to reduce the cost of their borrowing will be very useful. Refinancing option come to the rescue of students who are willing to reduce the intensity of their student loan liability. While loan forgiveness programs offered by the government and other private agencies help in totally wiping away the loan liability, it is not that easy to qualify for the loan forgiveness program.

Consolidation of Student Loan
Options such as consolidation and a new refinance loan come to the rescue of students in managing their finances more confidently and efficiently. Several loans are consolidated into one single loan liability by repaying their existing loans, creating a single new loan. This loan comes at a lower interest rate and flexible repayment term. The repayment terms are of three types namely extended payment, graduated payment and income - sensitive payment. While extended payment reduces the monthly liability with the increase in the number of years of repayment, graduated payment increases the liability gradually. Income sensitive payment increases and with the increase in income and therefore easily manageable.

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